Have you noticed children pretend to talk like different characters from a movie or like people at home? They put themselves in a situation like they are someone else, this is called pretend play or roleplay.
Builds confidence: Roleplay is an unstructured activity, children choose and create their own play, this independent play boosts the morale of the child.
Creative communication: pretend play provides room to build communication skills. Children, during roleplay, have discussions, storytelling, singing and dancing which leads to creative communication skills.
Problem-Solving skills: this unstructured play, helps children to create solutions, come up with new ideas and if they share the space in a school environment they learn to take turns and pick roles to participate in the play.
Real-life situations: this kind of play allows children to experience and relate to real-life situations. They connect to real-life seniors while they act and understand the world around them.
Social-emotional skill: Roleplay provides an opportunity and supports children to develop their emotional skills by expressing their ideas and feelings in a safe and fun environment.